
Baruch atah Yeshua ha Mashiyach, Melech ha olam

42) 46767 + 643 = 47410 - 31102 = 16308th vs. 2368th vs. Psa 144:2 My goodness, and my Fortress; my High Tower, and my Deliverer; my Shield, and HE in whom I trust; Who subdueth my people under me. 1268 / 2970
one thousand two hundred sixty eight 414
two thousand nine hundred seventy 386
11248 + 390 = 11638th vs. 443rd vs.2Ch 21:13 /second chronicles twenty one-thirteen 406 <> 2252 / 6163
12766 + 414 = 13180th vs.  310th vs. Job 13:26 / Job thirteen-twenty six 285 <> 1023 / 3658
15688 + 386 = 16074th vs. 2134th vs.  Psa 119:175 Psalms one hundred nineteen-one hundred seventy five 534 >   677 /
<><><> 406 + 285 + 534 = 1225> 3952 / 11972
Song of Solomon three - four 295
43) 47410 + 1268 = 48678 - 31102 = 17576th vs. 38th vs. Sol 3:4 It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me. 1942 / 6253
Ha Shema
Shema Yisra’EL YAHUWAH ELOHEYNU YAHUWAH Echad, Ve’ahavta ET YAHUWAH ELOHEYKA bekhol levavkha u’vekhol nafshekha u’vekho me’odkha
Hear O Israel THE LORD our GOD is ONE LORD And thou shalt Love THE LORD thy GOD with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

link 42